All posts by "Facundo Barbaro"

Facundo Barbaro is an analyst from Buenos Aires. He is an expert of the changing political landscapes in South America. Facundo is dedicating his life to international relations. He believes that is he is part of an international new generation that should not continue paying the mistakes of the past and has the obligation to start working for a new era in the history of man.
Argentinan Flag, Mary's Land

An Eternal Dream? Argentina is the eighth largest country in the world, located in the extreme south of Latin America. Argentina has the highest Human Development Index in South America, ...

The latest elections and polls led the world to believe that the depleted and drifting leftist governments of the region were about to disappear. However, there is a widespread sense ...

” We must therefore act together as a united people, for national reconciliation, for nation building, for the birth of a new world.” This is part of Nelson Mandela’s speech ...