All posts by "Pulsamerica"

Cross-posted article by Ailana Navarez; Pulsamérica.  The Darien Gap is more than a pause in the Inter-American Highway. It divides North and South America’s problems. Panama’s military-styled border patrol SENAFRONT ...

(By Sarah Quarmby ; Pulsamerica): The Colombian government and the FARC have recently implemented a plan encouraging farmers to abandon coca production in favour of alternative legal crops. Coca leaves are ...

 Industry experts note that Latin America is now one of the hottest areas for sustainable business and ecological investments – and opportunities are only expected to grow in the years ...

(By Daniel  Barker Flores , Pulsamerica)  In mid-December, the tenth anniversary of the start of the Mexican War on Drugs passed largely unacknowledged by many news outlets. Indeed, this is unsurprising, given ...