When someone says JAPAN; a superb finished glittering imagery strikes in mind. It is a developed country in Asia with great competition from their neighbours now a days. South Korea, ...
On July 8, 2010; India’s Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) sent its first “tweet.” This use of the popular social media tool was just one of a series of efforts ...
The Chinese character for “alone” is 单独 (Dandu), the same as that for “lonely.” In Chinese culture, it is hard to differentiate between the two meanings. There are two factions ...
India and Japan have a vibrant bilateral relationship the genesis of which can be traced back to the Cold War period when India and Japan had established limited economic interactions ...
Quest for ideal pattern of life led Buddhism to enter in China. Buddhism is a way of life originated in India. It is based upon teachings of Gautama Buddha, who ...
Indian Foreign Policy runs through the engine of need of the hour and ability to control global issues with in-hand solutions. As George Modelski once said – ‘Foreign policy is ...