The House of Representatives, the lower chamber of the United States Congress, has recently passed a bill aimed at granting statehood to Washington, D.C. The House Resolution 51 – the Washington D.C. Admission Act-, passed with a vote of 232-180 ...

From 431 to 404 before Christ Era, Athens and Sparta fought a bloody war, known as the Peloponnesian War. Thucydide, an Athenian thinker and politician, wrote a book in which he tells the story of this conflict. A brief History ...

Introduction The U.S is among the early countries to have established diplomatic relationships with Pakistan. Relationship dates back to October 20, 1947, it can be extrapolated that the relations have been based strictly on military and economic support. Pakistan had ...

Drones are gonna shape global military affairs. In the wake of the Japanese occupation of Korea in 1908, Theodore Roosevelt remarked saying: “Korea is absolutely Japan’s. To be sure, by treaty it was solemnly covenanted that Korea should remain independent. ...

Russia is one more time targeted by some new economic sanctions from the United States. This decision has been made because of the Case Skripal where Russia has been  accused of having used some forbidden chemical weapons, but also because ...