Young Diplomats
The leaders of tomorrow
Kylea Shropshire is an international affairs and conflict prevention professional currently based in Central Asia. She has experience living and working in many countries including Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Senegal and Tanzania. Presently, she is writing for Mediators Beyond Borders International and is interning with the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund and Search for Common Ground in Kyrgyzstan. Current projects include researching methods of preventing violent extremism in Central Asia and designing grant proposals for human rights promotion in the region. She also researches for the Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research (HIIK). Recently, she was working as a Long-Term Election Observer for the Canadian bilateral mission to Ukraine with CANADEM during the presidential election. She completed her honours bachelor degree in international studies and modern languages at the University of Ottawa and her master’s degree in international and Diplomatic Studies at the University of Economics (VSE) in Prague. Her thesis titled “Sport, Corruption and Human Rights: The Case of FIFA,” looked at the role of mega sporting events and the impact they can have on human rights. For the foreseeable future, she is searching for opportunities in human rights, humanitarian affairs, diplomacy, anticorruption, conflict prevention, mediation, and disarmament.
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