All posts by "David Allouche"

David founded Young Diplomats in 2014. His goal was to create a platform for students in International Relations to share their articles with the world. David's holds an MA in Strategy and Diplomacy and works for an International Organization. He can be reached at

Where are the protests taking places in Iran?  The Youth seems to have taken the streets and every hour more and more cities are joining the protest movement. Iran is ...

Young Diplomats has the immense pleasure to introduce a new project called the Young Diplomats Leader(s) of the Month. The people featured in this project, showing a great potential and ...

Interview with Jean-Francois Copé, ex-chief of opposition in France between 2012 and 2014. Background: Jean-Francois Copé is a famous French Politician was the leader of the UMP party, the Party ...

Not many people are aware of the contributions made by several secret societies in shaping the world as we know today. For the most part, their endeavours are not justly ...

During my early years at school, “Oil Curse” was the term I heard repeatedly, but was incapable of comprehending exactly what this famous expression that is customarily labeled the Arab ...

The Israel Defense Forces recently completed a large military exercise on the island of Cyprus, and a smaller training exercise in Crete was held several months earlier. Although the commanders ...

 Which nationalities can visit nearly all the world’s countries without applying for a visa?  Here is our Top 10 of most powerful and worst passports in the world! Surprises ahead! German nationals ...

In the recent months, fears have been expressed that Pakistan is, or will soon be, isolated due to a flawed foreign policy being pursued by the government. But, a brief ...

Kashmir issue has been the cornerstone of Pakistan’s foreign policy since 1947. The region is the source of rivers flowing into Pakistan and Pakistanis have strong apprehensions that if Kashmir ...

The Gulf is important for a whole host of reasons, and most people understand that. The religious Holy Land link is but one facet of the relationship. We were the ...