All posts by "David Allouche"

David founded Young Diplomats in 2014. His goal was to create a platform for students in International Relations to share their articles with the world. David's holds an MA in Strategy and Diplomacy and works for an International Organization. He can be reached at

Who are the most high tech countries in the World? You will be surprised!  Those able to harness the power of information and communication technology are reaping ever more benefits. ...

 For the leaders of authoritarian state, nothing is  better than a “democratic” election to establish their legitimacy. Here are the ten most effective dictators in the art of getting elected ...

Everyday, we share 5 interesting titles of the international press

Everyday, we share 5 interesting titles of the international press

Everyday, we share 5 interesting titles of the international press

Everyday, we share 5 interesting titles of the international press

Everyday, we share 5 interesting titles of the international press

Harriet Lee Elam-Thomas was a former US diplomat and Ambassador. She served as a diplomat abroad in Strategic locations such as Greece, Turkey, and Africa. Nelson Mandela was the most interesting ...

The recent dispute between Qatar and some of its neighbors is the most serious dispute among them in years, and has the potential to further destabilize an already turbulent region. ...