The African Union declared 2019 as the Year of Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons: Towards Durable Solutions to Forced Displacement in order to put the spotlight on the plights ...

One of the many Social Contract theories employed to explain the concept of the civil society imbued with laws and acceptable behavioral codes is the ‘State of Nature’ which denotes ...

We have all been touched by the Covid-19 pandemic in some way – but the impacts have been far from equal. Refugees, asylum seekers and displaced families have largely been ...

Under a global spotlight the World Health Organisation has not had its finest hour. The conditions for success were ripe: a health crisis that reached into every corner of the ...

Today Chinese Culture and society is a combination of ancient traditions, customs, and modernized developed and also westernized lifestyle. The Chinese culture and traditions are ancient, its history has huge ...

Coronavirus has hit the world hard this year. Though not being the first pandemic for the world to face in modern history, the level of severity is astonishingly high even ...

Politics is a pretty inaccurate area. It would certainly be a mistake calling it science, since there are no generally acknowledged and accepted system of facts, or formulas that would ...

Almost no one in our connected world is alien to the ideas of social media addiction, fake news and the nightmares that are most probably coming to life in front ...

Trump plans to permanently freeze WHO funding has raised high alarm in the COVID-19 saga. As the biggest donator, it will have huge financial gaps to cover by World Health ...

It had not been long into 2020 when the world was hit by COVID 19, from Wuhan, China. Italy, and Brazil residents were posting videos on social media portraying what ...