Summary The first winter took many of the English at Plymouth. By fall 1621, only 53 remained of the 132 who had arrived on the Mayflower. But those who had ...

Aidan Borkan is a young and promising political analyst. He is specialized in the changing political landscapes of the US and the Middle East. He is currently a student from a ...

 Hauna Trimble is a young and promising political analyst. She is specialized in the changing political landscapes in the US and in the Middle East. She recently graduated from a ...

Adrien Gonin is a young and rising economic analyst. He studied Economics in top French and German University. He is widely recognized as an expert of European and American Economies. Since ...

Analysis  In San Bernardino, a peaceful town of California, Syed Rizwan Farook got into an altercation at his office holiday party Dec. 2, after which he and his wife, Tashfeen ...

For most strategic planners, space represents the ultimate high ground. In the same way that control of the skies added a new dimension to combat in the great wars of ...

After nearly a decade under conservative rule, Canada is now poised to move back toward the political center. On Oct. 19, Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party won the country’s parliamentary elections, ...

Dana Chocron is a specialist of Middle East political landscapes. She is specialized in the Levant. She holds a BA in Government,Security and Diplomacy from the prestigious school of IDC. ...

One week before the UN General Assembly where Putin will present its international coalition against Daech plan, US Secretary of State John Kerry warned the Kremlin against the risk of ...

In 2012,  during the Presidential Primaries Barack Obama and Willard Mitt Romney had spent about $ 1 billion each to finance their presidential campaign. Instead of paying his bill to ...