Month: May 2017

 This paper will explains in two parts, why Cyber war will not take place. The Importance of Information The global security environment has changed dramatically after the cold war. At the end of twentieth century the United States became a ...

What is happening in South Sudan has happened the world over: factions fight for power with no end in sight. This Article was written by Ryan Bohl for Geopolitics Made Super , Young Diplomats’ Partner. The original article is available ...

The leaders of the United States, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Japan – countries collectively known as the Group of Seven (G7) – met on Friday for a two-day summit in the resort town of Taormina, Italy. The bloc meets ...

On May 19th Iran went to the polls and Hassan Rouhani was re-elected by a majority. The campaign was about the economy, minority rights and reforms. In theory, when we look at the political structure of Iran, it is close ...
New Challenges for Macron: Credit : Corse Matin

The new French president Emmanuel Macron is now elected, despite the “hidden” support for his rival coming from Moscow who wanted to see Marine Le Pen winning the presidential race. Usual Congratulations from Moscow In fact, the Russian plot in ...

One thing is for sure: President Michel Temer has committed a crime Yesterday, news broke that Brazil’s President Michel Temer was caught on tape discussing hush money with the owner of the world’s leading meat producing company, JBS. Businessman Joesley Batista ...

JBS finds itself in the spotlight for the second time this year. Dirty meat put JBS on the front page in March 2017. Now, dirty money has put the Brazilian meatpackers back in the spotlight. Thanks to the company’s owners, ...
Where did ISIS came from? Credits : syrianfreepress

Currently, Daesh is considered the richest terrorist group in history. Daesh earn $2.9 billion each year thanks to their various sources of income. The main objective of Daesh is to become a real state. As any recognized state, Daesh needs ...

The China Pakistan Economic corridor (CPEC) is dubbed game and fate changer, not only for Pakistan and China but also for the whole region. In my opinion, the CPEC is not only an economic corridor but it has strategic and ...

Current world politics leads to open-ended and ongoing processes of change. But contradictions remain the main obstacle to the advancement of world politics. This article illustrates contradiction within world politics, aiming to bring clarity to what has been going on ...