All posts by "YoungDiplomats Team"

Everyday, we share some interesting titles of the international press

It’s over two years now since the World trade organization ‘effectively’ ended negotiations on the Doha Rounds, but what Impact could it have had on global trade? What are the ...

With Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia’s elections set to take place in 2018, the South Caucasus could face some significant security risk. As changes in the U.S.-Russia and Europe-Russia relations continue ...

Who are the Richest African Countries today? Africa is blessed with an important amount of mineral reserve. Among these reserves are included gold, cobalt, platinum, manganese, diamond, uranium and many ...

Who are the Richest African Countries today? Africa is blessed with an important amount of mineral reserve. Among these reserves are included gold, cobalt, platinum, manganese, diamond, uranium and many ...

Francis Fukuyama, an American Political Scientist, was amiss when he asserted after the collapse of Soviet Union as: ‘ Humanity has reached the end of history, because the only system ...

In autumn 2013, China’s president Xi Jinping, announced the One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative. OBOR seeks to rebuild the historical Silk Road—which connected China to Europe during the Han ...

It is relatively calm in Jerusalem a week after Donald Trump’s recognition triggered a wave of protests and even prompted Hamas to announce intifada, political analyst Avigdor Eskin has told ...

This was expected, and  a positive year is about to end for the motor vehicle market in Brazil. Anfavea’s start-of-year forecast to produce 2.41 million vehicles in 2017 has already been ...

Failed tactics, undermining Israel’s democratic ideals, inconsistent policies on the settlements and two states – these are the hyperbolic allegations levied against Labor leader Avi Gabbay in a recent New York ...