The European fracture between France and Germany  German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas warned on Sunday against undermining NATO, in Berlin’s strongest response to date to French President Emmanuel Macron’s critical ...

When Berlin wall fall, all the boundaries set in cold war became to vanish, creating wave of what we call today as globalization. Technology has been distributed to all parts ...

On October 27, 2019, United States President Donald Trump addressed the nation announcing that ISIS leader Abu Bakr – Al Baghdadi had been killed in a raid by United Special ...

  Grand Strategy has long been an important framework for examining state behavior, and for states to shape their behavior. Even without that moniker, it has been a concept long ...

On March 23, 1983, the then United States President Ronald Reagan addressed the nation on Defense and National Security, in which he announced his signature Strategic Defense Initiative, stating, “I ...

The explanations of weapon trades are difficult and sensitive to understand due to the secretly cover of the trade actions but today in the world according to UN recorded reports ...

Preventing an Arctic cold war By: Rosa Sejer Ingstrup Knudsen For information about the Ilulissat Declaration and the current situation in the Arctic region please read part I on “How ...

How to use the Ilulissat Declaration as inspiration to desecuritize future policy issues in the Arctic region Preventing an Arctic cold war   By: Rosa Sejer Ingstrup Knudsen   Purpose: ...

Months after President Donald Trump announced the creation of the U.S. Space Force, France is beginning to lay the groundwork for its own version.  French President Emmanuel Macron announced last ...

Terrorism is a substantial threat to the national security of Pakistan. It has unprecedentedly distressed the human lives leading to induction of national socio-economic trauma. For instance, the country has ...