Compare and Contrast: American Revolutions VS Revolutions of 1848

Two Revolutions occurred that fundamentally altered the course of the history of the West. The American Revolution and the Revolutions of 1848. But, while there are some similarities, there are many start differences that explained how they forget the modern-day mindset of Europe and the United States. One is the difference between the leaders. In […]

Two Revolutions occurred that fundamentally altered the course of the history of the West. The American Revolution and the Revolutions of 1848. But, while there are some similarities, there are many start differences that explained how they forget the modern-day mindset of Europe and the United States.

One is the difference between the leaders. In the American Revolution, the leaders were upper middle class aristocrats, while in the Revolutions of 1848, the leaders were mainly lower class masses.

This brings up the biggest difference between the two. While the American Revolution was centered around the idea of the good of the individual, the Revolutions of 1848 were centered around the idea of the good of the collective. This is ultimately shown in the cultural mindset that has developed since then; while the American mindset is one of placing the individual over the collective, the European mindset is one of placing the collective over the individual.

This is most shown in the constitutions. In the United Bill of Rights, the common theme is centered around the individual. In Europe, the European Bill of Rights is centered around the collective.

A second difference that explains the difference between the individuality mentality of America and the collectivist mentality of Europe is the background. While in America, the concern was rights, in Europe, it was things around the lines of “we are starving and we want food.”

But now 1848 may finally be coming to America. And when it does, a great clash will occur that will fundamentally alter the sociopolitical spectrum of the United States forever.


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