Found 118 Members
I hold a degree in Development and International Cooperation obtained at University of Bologna. I am...
I'm a master of foreign policy and diplomacy.
I have been a member of the African youth member, pol...
Afzal Panhwar is graduate of University of Sindh in International Relations.
Chifundo Dzinthenga is a student of Bachelor of arts in diplomacy and international relations. He is...
Après avoir été trois ans d'étude de me médecine, je me suis orientée vers les études de relations ...
Hi..Being an immense and keen interest in technologist advancements ,I feel responsibility being par...
I am a Ghanaian and I graduated from the University of Ghana with B.A Political Science with French....
Balkis Chaabane is a Tunisian female graduate student hoping to change the world. She earned her BA ...