For the first time in a decade, the idea of generalised strikes, riots, protests, and violence escalating to “intifada” proportions looks entirely plausible. Escalation by Israel, and Hamas in Gaza, ...

One week before the UN General Assembly where Russia will present its international coalition against Daech plan, US Secretary of State John Kerry warned the Kremlin against the risk of ...

One week before the UN General Assembly where Putin will present its international coalition against Daech plan, US Secretary of State John Kerry warned the Kremlin against the risk of ...

On Wednesday, the 16th of September, Yemen’s Prime Minister Khaled Bahah and seven of his ministers have returned to Aden, the second largest city of Yemen, in an attempt to ...

Few months ago the Nigerians discovered the Multi National Joint Task  forces consisting of their National Army, seconded by other National Armies such as Chad, Niger and Cameroon. This Task ...

The fourth time may have been the right one: after a series of tensions with the transition authorities in Burkina Faso, the men of the Presidential Security Regiment (RSP) have ...

  As of last week the media highlights have pointed out the experiencing of a set of moves taken by the Turkish government which have symbolized a shift in its ...

“There will be no other than nuclear negotiations with the Americans, who do not hide their “hostility toward Iran,” said Wednesday the Iranian leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, calling again Washington ...

Thirteen members of armed groups who had Friday launched attacks against police in Tajikistan were killed Saturday during a major police operation that also allowed to make several arrests, announced ...

The route used by drug traffickers from the Kingdom of Morocco is known to all. But mum’s the word on this business that defies control. Clearly the Morroco-Algeria borders is ...