Young Diplomats celebrated, Thursday, July 18, 2019, international “Mandela Day”, in collaboration with the Embassy of the Republic of South Africa to Chad – organized a double activity centered on “education, social justice, youth development and peace in the Chadian capital city; N’Djamena. Mandela day was officially declared by the United Nations in November 2009, with the first UN Mandela Day held on 18 July 2010.
Idriss Zackaria, Young Diplomats’ Africa regional director, said that Nelson Mandela Day is not only a day to celebrate Nelson Mandela’s life and legacy, however, it is also a global call to action for people to recognize their ability to have a positive effect on others around them.

“As we are the first non-governmental diplomatic organization with a mission of shaping, sharpening and inspiring a new generation of enlightened international leaders; I believe the day hopes to inspire young people to embrace the values that Mandela shared – these values include democracy, social justice, freedom, equality, diversity, reconciliation, and respect.” Zackaria stressed.
“A symbol of resistance in the struggle for freedom”
For his part, Mr Seid Abdelkerim delivered speech on behalf of South African Ambassador to Chad, his Excellency Titus Matlakeng; saying that this occasion reminds us of Nelson Mandela’s unwavering commitment to justice, equality and non-racial South Africa. Mandela spent 27 years in prison and was a symbol of resistance in the struggle for freedom who consistently refused to compromise his political position to obtain his freedom and rejected at least three conditional offers of release. He consistently remained an advocate of national unity and reconciliation after his triumphant release from prison and laid the foundation for a democratic government based on majority rule, and guaranteeing the rights of minorities and freedom of expression.
“Let me start by congratulating and to thank the Young Diplomats for the initiative to celebrate International Mandela Day 2019 in honor of the great African leader, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela in such a befitting manner. It is indeed a great honor to me, the South African Embassy in Chad and to the people of South Africa and the African Continent at large. This initiative is an indication of the African youth and in particular the Chadian youth’s efforts to want to determine their own destiny by emulating Nelson Mandela and follows his examples of commitment to social justice and peace.” Seid Abdelkerim added; on behalf of the South African ambassador to Chad.
About Mandela day
In November 2009, the United Nations General Assembly declared “Nelson Mandela International Day” on July 18 in honor of the contribution of the former South African President to the culture of peace and freedom. General Assembly resolution A / RES / 64/13, recognizes the values defended by Nelson Mandela and his dedication to the service of humanity, which he has demonstrated through his humanitarian work in the areas of conflict resolution, inter-peoples relations, the promotion and protection of human rights, reconciliation, gender equality, the rights of children and other vulnerable groups, and the progress of poor and underdeveloped communities. It recognizes the contribution it has made to the struggle for democracy at the international level and to the promotion of a culture of peace around the world.
About Young Diplomats
It should be noted that Young Diplomats exists to provide a direct channel of communication amongst international students of global affairs, government officials and diplomatic stakeholders. It aims to continuously accommodate great ideas and to build bridges for understanding and cooperation between nations. It also aims to work towards improving standards of life and diplomatic work within its environment by organizing conferences, conducting research and publishing scientific works in the form of analysis and reports on different levels.