Well known as the “old city” , Rome is obviously one of the greatest place in the world everyone would enjoy to visit in order to admire all its magnificent buildings
However, Rome is a capital and as each capital of a country, it’s there that the highest traffic peak is and therefore where the pollution peak remains.
Don’t worry, the aim of this article isn’t to sensibilize the population all around the world about ecology, it is all about modernization and life quality leading us to talk about the economic growth which appears to be crushing down lately.

Indeed, I’ve been living there for few months now, as an Erasmus student, and that’s what stroke me at the very first place.
Have you ever wondered how a such touristic city, full of attractiveness could be so archaic ?
I did, and I quickly understood that it was actually what makes it what it is, the charming side of the city remains in its lack of modernization too and I have to admit that it also pleases me.. But I think, we can achieve so much more, there are many several others alternatives to pump the city up which will allow the inhabitants and also the tourists to beneficiate from this traffic improvements.
Actually, there are plenty of bus in Rome, but there are others issues at stake.
For instance, there are not VMS ( variable message sign) at every bus stop to inform about the bus arrival, or even an indication paper.. The first reflex is then to download an application on your phone to be on time where you need to be !
But here again, problem : they’re not really trustworthy !
Of course, the subway and the train work pretty well but we’re trying to analyse the traffic situation on the roads here in order to find a solution to modernize it like they did with the building project of a 3rd railway !
Rome is often classified as the most dangerous city in term of traffic accidents.
It’s basically the first thing you notice when you experience the romans roads !
In order to reduce this very mass traffic the first solution which comes to your mind is for sure : new roads !
Unfortunately it is not that simple.. First because it would be a long term project and then because it requires consequent funds from the municipality which is another issue at stake regarding the economic situation.
Reflex number 2 : What about the tramways ? Very practical and trendy public transport, this might be a solution…
Indeed , we do have tramway here, 6 lines to be precise but again only 2 of them are truly efficient and useful to the major part of the roman population who’s definitely not satisfied with this ongoing situation.
Indeed, few years ago, this collective complaint engendered a move from the authorities which offered a fast track in the aim of compensating this lack of efficiency which cost less than 13 millions euros. Nowadays it costs 20 millions euros each year to the municipality. Don’t be impressed by the number, it’s not even the half of the expenses dedicated to the road maintenance : about 45million/year !
Here is comes the question we all want to ask : what are these 45 million euros for ?
Strange don’t you think ? It is clear that any kind of try of improvements have been settled recently or at least it didn’t see the light of the day yet !
So how is the road maintenance budget is handled ?
It would not only unclog the traffic but it will also contribute to reduce the road accidents rate which is still extremely high.
According to the Italy’s road policy’ report in January, the road deaths are actually falling down , by 4.5% in 2016 over the previous years. About 1620 persons died on the roads last year which shows a decrease.
However, the number of accidents and injuries are still on an upward trend with a rise by 0.8% to 73,836 for the accidents and by 0.7% to 50,472.
Consequently, fixing the traffic issue will also lead to a substantial diminution of the pollution and therefore improve life quality.. It would be a huge step forward for the city of Rome which is also known for its dirtiness which is also a main factor of the deterioration of the roads.
About 4,500 tonnes of solid urban waste is produced everyday ! It’s like we threw 32,4 million Iphone 7 per day !
We all know someone who would be more than happy !
Of courses other options are worth considering solutions, which will be revealed in the 2nd part.
What would you propose ? Share your opinion on it thus we might find an innovative answer to this issue.